We made a fair, unbiased* comparison of Lunacy with the three most popular graphic editors. Check it out.
100% free as a tool.
Paid users get access to editable/high-res graphics by Icons8 available right in the app.
Free starter version.
Paid licenses start from $12/month per editor.
From $9/month (per editor, unlimited viewers).
Free 30-day trial.
Free starter version.
Paid licenses start from $8/month per editor.
Operating system
(up to 10 coedited files)
(up to 10 coedited files)
(up to 10 coedited files)
Observation/Follow mode
(viewing what other users are doing)
Comments on canvas and prototypes
Text and audio conversations, stickers
Text and audio conversations
Advanced prototyping animation
Color styles
Layer Styles & Color Variables
Layer Styles & Color Variables
Layer Styles & Color Variables
Fonts styles
Selection colors
Easy color management in currently selected layers
Selection fonts
Easy font management in currently selected layers
Google Fonts onboard
Dummy Text Generator
Reusable styles and components
Component groups (Variants)
Swap of components
Auto/Smart layout
Auto spacing between layers (Smart Distribute)
Nested artboards
Layout grids
Repeat grid
Smooth handoff
Linked design
Image adjustment (hue, saturation, etc.)
Version history
Multi-page files
Offline work
Dark mode
3D transforms
Reasonable defaults
Device preview
Import of Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch and Figma files
Native support for Sketch files, import from Figma
Native support for Sketch files
Multi-language UI
English and Simplified Chinese
4 languages
English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean
* How we did it
We took three independent comparisons of Figma, Sketch, and Pixso to each other: the comparison by Michael Wong (aka Mizko), comparison by Kezz Bracey, and comparison by Coursera.
Then we arranged all the data from these comparisons into a table.
Then we added a column for Lunacy and put + or – next to the features that Lunacy has or doesn't have.